youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Life is like a box of chocolate"

This might be one of the most famous quotations ever. It also includes the essence of this text; everything eventually comes down to squares. My theory is that the world is fitted into a system of squares, and as soon as something doesn’t fit it's un-normal.
But that’s kind of wrong, isn't it? Thinking outside the box should be promoted even if it doesn’t fit. What do you think?
But squares can be nice sometimes too! On this dress the Square pattern is really pretty. Squares are great. But only as patterns.

youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "What a heck"
This week we write in English, which I find pretty difficult. And this week’s topic is Square, which makes all this even harder. But what a heck, I give it a try!
The squares on the picture are supposed to function as houses, not in real life, but when you play. I don’t play with things like this anymore, because I am 18 years old. Nowadays I play with square things like my computer.
Times are changing as I grow up. From a square made of wood to an advanced computer which even corrects all my misspelled words. I believe the square of wood requires a bit more imagination from the person who uses it.
And finally its times like this I understand how bad my English really is.
youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Candy square!
I love England. At my sixteenth birthday my grandmother woke me up and told me we were going to the airport and she took me to England. Once there, we lived in a tiny cozy hotel at Gloucester road. One of my best memories from there was when we went to Harrods. There was a whole room filled to the edges of the walls with candy. I'd love to fill the plate above with candy and just go to town on it.
I thought it was really unfair that the candy was so expensive there so we couldn't buy anything. But my grandma wanted me to have a really expensive little teddy bear that currently resides at a shelf watching over my family like one of those cute care bears.
This plate is circular and not at all square-shaped. But if I could fill it with candy, that would be fair and square!
youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Trafalgar Square"

So what is a square? The word square has many meanings: it can be a rectangular shape where
all sides have the same length, it can be an open area or plaza in a city or town or it could mean unhip or non-cool.
For me whenever I think of squares I think of Trafalgar Square, a square with so much history.
It is located in central London and stands as a sort of memento from the battle of Trafalgar which was a British naval victory of the Napoleonic Wars. The reason this place means so much to me is because I will be moving to London in about a year and will be visiting this place many times. Since London is gonna be my new home, then so will Trafalgar Square.
Did you know that each year Norway donates a Christmas tree to London which is presented at Trafalgar Square as London’s Christmas tree? They do this as a token of gratitude for Britain's support during World War II. This square has also been used during numerous demonstrations and has worked as a gathering place for various occasions. It has also been featured in many films and television shows, because like Big Ben, Trafalgar Square represents London.
With all of this you can probably understand how important Trafalgar Square is to London and its people, it is a place that has been through many things as London developed to a leading global city, and as I within a year will join in with the millions of people who live there, I can't help but have a special place in my heart for the square that is located in the heart of London.

youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Chest"

This is a squared chest, or I figured out later that it is actually rectangular. But the idea was right. In this, we call it square, chest I can fit my life. Not easily, but I would try. Sure my life holds more than a lot but if necessary I could press down my whole life in it.
The English language has never been so important for the world and its connections as today, it has been a huge language in the past but today you can communicate with other humans through a single language. It is obvious for us learning English in school today but once upon a time your own language was the only language.
On the top-five list of things I would pack in the squared chest (in English as well): a toothbrush, music, a book, warm socks and the hardest thing would be the company. It would be hard to make a friend go inside this but it would be worth the effort.

youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Sponge, Chess… Square"

Well okay. The first (and maybe last?) Youthhood theme in English. Exiting, isn’t it?
Well, so I was walking at Raspen and desperately tried to find something that could be interesting to write about within this theme. My first obvious thought was to pick a SpongeBob Square Pants figure, mostly because SpongeBob is one of the most brilliant comedies ever. But after a while searching I realised that Sörmlands Museum didn’t have any products like this. So my second thought is to pick a chessboard and draw some parallels that I am embarrassingly bad at playing that game. But actually I didn’t find a chessboard either, even though Tudor (Viktor Einarsson) said he earlier had written about one.
But at last I found something square. But I actually don’t really know what it is. Or I do know that it is a square puzzle. There are like six different puzzles instead of one, and to raise the bar of difficultness even higher the pictures are really torn. For some minutes I really tried to match only two parts together, but man it was hard. I have never been a puzzle person, even though I like the game memory. No seriously, this puzzle was extremely hard. “Don’t try this at home”, Or do, if you have one, and see if you’re smarter than I am.

youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Square pancakes"
I love square things and I also love food. Maybe you can combine these two great things with each other? Just imagine eating a square hamburger, wouldn’t that be awesome? Or maybe square pancakes.
That could turn into reality if you own a square frying pan as the one on the picture above. The frying pan is made of metal and Bakelite and it is quite old. I wonder if any pancakes have been made in it…
My birthday is coming up and a square frying pan is the thing I wish for the most. No, I am just kidding. But if I get one, I promise you that I will eat square pancakes every morning…well almost every morning.