youthhood bloggar på engelska på tema Square: "Sponge, Chess… Square"
Well okay. The first (and maybe last?) Youthhood theme in English. Exiting, isn’t it?
Well, so I was walking at Raspen and desperately tried to find something that could be interesting to write about within this theme. My first obvious thought was to pick a SpongeBob Square Pants figure, mostly because SpongeBob is one of the most brilliant comedies ever. But after a while searching I realised that Sörmlands Museum didn’t have any products like this. So my second thought is to pick a chessboard and draw some parallels that I am embarrassingly bad at playing that game. But actually I didn’t find a chessboard either, even though Tudor (Viktor Einarsson) said he earlier had written about one.
But at last I found something square. But I actually don’t really know what it is. Or I do know that it is a square puzzle. There are like six different puzzles instead of one, and to raise the bar of difficultness even higher the pictures are really torn. For some minutes I really tried to match only two parts together, but man it was hard. I have never been a puzzle person, even though I like the game memory. No seriously, this puzzle was extremely hard. “Don’t try this at home”, Or do, if you have one, and see if you’re smarter than I am.